Hi, I’m Julia
Head storyteller at Fire & Fly Media.

Here’s something you should know about me.

My clients are my heroes – not-for-profits, advocates, activists, coaches and community-conscious businesses.
They are artists, dreamers and rage-against-the-machiners. 

They don’t just want to make money, they want to make things better.

So do I. And whilst I can’t fix the entire world, I'll do my damndest to make my little corner of it a better place.

I believe in honest, transparent and respectful business, so if I don’t think my services are the right investment (or if there’s someone who is a better fit for you) I’ll let you know.

    • Years working in diverse communication and project management roles for major government organisations.

    • Bachelor of Journalism from The University of Queensland.

    • Bachelor of Communications majoring in Public Relations from The University of Queensland.

    • Psychology-focused copywriting course Brain Camp from Kirsty Fanton.

    • Accessibility for Web writing course. 

    • Travel writing course from Australian Writers Centre.

    • Clean Creatives approved. I’ve pledged not to work with fossil fuel companies because I’m committed to a sustainable future for the creative industry.

    • I’ve taken the Ethical Marketing Pledge, that means I:

      • Put the person before the sale. I respect you and your privacy. I will help you make the best choice for your needs.

      • Communicate inclusively, truthfully, and clearly.​ I will not confuse you or hide information from you. I will help all audiences feel welcome.

      • Take responsibility for my part in changing the marketplace.​ I recognise the need to break the cycle of consumerism. I will continuously review my sales and marketing to ensure they benefit the common good.


“Julia is an undeniably talented communicator … She has not only created for me the website and social media accounts of my dreams, she has held my hand for 12 months as I navigated the complex process of being a frightened creative type - who wanted to put my heart and soul - and jokes - out into the world BUT HAD NO IDEA HOW. There is no way to thank Julia enough. If you know her you'll already know she is smart, funny, kind, generous, PATIENT and warm and an absolute bringer of joy. If you're lucky enough to work with her as well - know that she will sprinkle that all over you too.” — KATE FROM KATE HAS SO MANY QUESTIONS

“Julia was an absolute professional from beginning to end. She was able to capture the essence of our service in her beautiful words and stunning photography. She was helpful and so patient as we navigated the world of online media, listening to our needs as a service. She is creative and dedicated and we are so happy with our website. Thanks Julia.”— LISA FROM GAMUMBI EARLY EDUCATION CENTRE

More than ever before, people are paying attention to the content they are seeing and demanding more. More respect. More transparency. More authenticity. 

They want to know the stories behind the businesses they are buying from and they want to feel in control of their buying choices.

The only way to connect with those audiences is to get to know them. To understand what they’re struggling with, what they dream of and how you can help them — and reflect that in your content.

Because when you do that, you can make it clear why your services are the best choice for them.

And you won’t need to use any untoward marketing tactics – like creating false urgency, using people’s pain against them, or being unrealistic about what you can achieve – to do it.

Sound like the kind of deep, genuine human connection you’re into? Let’s talk.

  • 100% of my focus and energy. I organise my days so that when I’m working on your project, my phone is on do-not-disturb, my email notifications are off and my fur-children are locked firmly outside. 

  • A holistic approach from a creative storyteller who has spent years working in allround marketing and communications roles. This means that I consider your broader business goals and how my skills can best support them. If I think you’re barking up the wrong marketing tree, or that I’m not the best investment for you at this time, I’ll tell you.

  • A reliable partner who is as dedicated to your business success as you are. I can’t help it, when it comes to working with big-hearted folks like you, I’m all in. Your project is never just another job for me – it’s a chance to do something incredible.

  • An ethical ally who walks the walk when it comes to making the world a better place. Sure, I use ethical marketing and copywriting techniques in my daily work, but my values don’t end there. You can read more about this below. 

When you decide to hitch your wagon to my pony, you’ll get all of this:

  • Sleazy marketing tactics, false scarcity or urgency, outlandish promises, or copy that creates shame or pain. 

  • Boring, template-style copywriting. You can’t lump your business in a box with anyone else, so why would you write about it that way? I’m chucking templates in the bin and swapping them for words that keep your clients reading. And clicking. And acting.

  • Blown-out timelines or quotes. I’m usually booked out two months in advance, so I manage my time carefully. If I think you’ll need more time than you originally thought, I’ll let you know early on.

Without any of this:

Being a business owner is an incredible privilege and an opportunity to make a difference.

I truly believe that no matter what industry we work in, we have a responsibility to try and leave the world better than we found it.
For some people, that might look like planting 10,000 trees or completely eliminating waste from your life (you bloody heroes).  

For me and my business that means:

  • Being Clean Creatives approved. I’ve pledged not to work with fossil fuel companies because I’m committed to a sustainable future for the creative industry.

  • Taking the Ethical Marketing Pledge, which means I:

    • Put the person before the sale. I respect you and your privacy. I will help you make the best choice for your needs.

    • Communicate inclusively, truthfully, and clearly.​ I will not confuse you or hide information from you. I will help all audiences feel welcome.

    • Take responsibility for my part in changing the marketplace.​ I recognise the need to break the cycle of consumerism. I will continuously review my sales and marketing to ensure they benefit the common good.

    • Using ethical marketing and copywriting techniques.

  • Creating accessible content and promoting accessibility to my clients. 

  • Using inclusive and positive language in my writing.

  • Offering 10% discounts for not-for-profits on an ongoing basis.

  • Committing to continual education around ethical marketing, accessibility, inclusive language and fostering diversity – and being open to feedback if I get it wrong.

  • Sharing these ideas with my clients and followers and advocating for others to use them too.

  • Donating monthly to organisations that make a difference.

  • Using recycled materials where possible and steering clear of mass-printed business cards or paperwork.

  • Buying high-quality business tools that don’t need to be replaced frequently.

  • Supporting my local area by recommending other local service providers when a client needs a referral.

  • Working from a home office to reduce carbon emissions.

  • Living in a solar-powered, off-grid tiny house to reduce my impact on the planet.