Words, web design, and custom imagery – everything you need in stress-free website packages 

You know that feeling when you walk into a shop and everything just works?

The window display stops you in your tracks, the space is welcoming, the staff are magnetic, it’s super easy to find what you’re looking for
… and it smells good?

The kind of shop where you leave thinking “damn, they nailed it” and you’re weirdly excited to visit again?  

*chefs kiss* 

A great website is like that – it makes an incredible first impression, gives your clients what they want (no matter what device they are on) and leaves them in no doubt about who you are and what you stand for. 

Your business deserves a great website. 
And – ready for the plot twist? – it doesn’t have to take six months, four coders and an animal sacrifice to create.

Take your pick


Take your pick ~

Squarespace quick hit

You’ve got a to-do list for your existing Squarespace website and you need someone who can do it quickly. This might include adding a lead magnet, creating a landing page or a load of other small changes.

INVESTMENT: $560 (4 hours)

Express website refresh

You’ve got a Squarespace website but it needs a designer touch. I’ll review the issues and polish up to four pages — giving you a more professional-looking website without starting from scratch.

INVESTMENT: $1,870 (3 days)

Custom Squarespace website

You’re ready for a brand-new website and you don’t want to wait 6 months! We’ll create a custom website that helps your business to shine and converts visitors into clients.

INVESTMENT: Usually $4,540 (3-5 weeks)

Not sure what you need?

Send me a message and we can talk it out together. There’s no cost for a conversation.

Squarespace quick hit

You’ve got a website to-do list and it’s beyond your tech skills (or beyond your time constraints). Hand over the reins to me and I’ll get it done.

INVESTMENT: $560 (4 hours)

  • Anyone with a Squarespace website who needs to tick a few things off their list, but doesn’t need major design help. If you need more widescale design changes, check out the Express Website Refresh below.

  • It varies depending on the shape of your website, but I’m commonly asked to do one (or a few) of these tasks:

    • Adding a promotional banner and pop-up and connecting these to a lead magnet or email.

    • Adding a new page/s or updating the format of existing pages.

    • Adding forms, frequently asked questions, testimonial carousels, etc.

    • Adding custom CSS to do things like adding frames around images, using your custom font and more.

    • Making the website more mobile-friendly.

    • You’ll send me a message here outlining what’s going on and what you’re after.

    • I’ll take a look at your website and confirm exactly what tasks we can get done in that time.

    • I’ll also do a mini audit of your website to identify anything else that could make a difference — so you’re getting the most of my marketing experience and can feel confident that we haven’t missed anything vital.

    • We’ll set a time for me to do the changes.

    • You’ll give me access to the back end of your website and I’ll make them happen.

    • In just four hours, you’ll have ticked your website to-do list off and got a hit of confidence knowing your website is up to scratch.

Express website refresh

Let’s take your existing Squarespace website from ‘nay’ to ‘yayyyy’ in just three days.

INVESTMENT: From $1,870 (3 days)

  • Business owners with existing Squarespace websites that need a boost.

    You don’t have time or budget to start from scratch but you want to level-up before a marketing campaign.

  • It depends on what is needed but often we’ll:

    • Make your design more consistent across all website pages.

    • Clean up your header and footer.

    • Improve conversion by adding more effective calls to action and buttons throughout.

    • Streamline your colour combinations and make sure they are accessible.

    • Up to 3 pieces of custom CSS so you can use your own fonts in your website (font purchase costs are not included), include animation, add frames to images, etc.

    • Add graphic elements, frames, shapes, etc. to add visual interest and create a common design thread throughout your website.

    • Update the layout of your pages so information is easier and more enjoyable to consume.

    • Generally ‘polish’ the website so it looks more professional.

    • Optimise for mobile, tablet and desktop.

    • You’ll send me a message here and I’ll check out your request.

    • As well as considering your request, I’ll perform a mini audit of your website and let you know anything else I could do to elevate your website. This means you get the benefit of my years of marketing and messaging experience. Plus, if you’re not sure exactly what’s not working with your website, I can tell you.

    • I’ll outline exactly what needs to be done, we’ll set a date to work together and I’ll send you an in-depth brand questionnaire to complete. This helps me get to know your business, style preferences and overall goals so that the heart of your business is reflected in your website.

    • When it comes time to work together, you’ll give me access to your website and I’ll create a “website in progress” page so your visitors can reach you in the meantime.

    • I’ll create a private “style” page outlining the new visual direction for your website. This will include a number of different options for image treatments and colours. I’ll make sure all colour combinations meet WCAG AA guidelines s a minimum. You’ll have overnight to review this, so you can feel confident that we’re on the same page and the changes are in line with what you’re thinking.

    • I’ll then apply this style to the rest of the website, paying attention to consistency, calls to actions and more. You’ll get a chance to review the additional pages overnight again.

    • On day three, I’ll make final touches to your website, including adding meta-data and page descriptions — then it’s all yours. If you need me to, I’ll walk you through the back end via Zoom screen share.

    • Finished! You have an elevated and stylish website and it only took three days (and a fraction of the cost of a brand new website). You feel confident marketing your business knowing that website visitors will now see a more professional and consistent digital presence.

Custom Squarespace website, copy & imagery

The one to get when you’re starting from scratch. Your custom website can be as simple or as robust as you need.

INVESTMENT: From $4,540 (3-5 weeks)

  • Established businesses who want to take their online presence to the next level and up and coming entrepreneurs who want to make an incredible first impression.

    A custom Squarespace website package will give you a website that does the heavy-lifting of attracting your dream clients. You’ll feel confident knowing that your online presence perfectly represents you and what you stand for.

    And because it’s being built by a storyteller and strategist with years of all-round marketing experience, you’ll feel confident that each piece of the puzzle (from strategy to copywriting to imagery to design) supports a compelling and authentic brand presence.

    You’ll also save time and energy from only having to brief one service provider (and that service provider will make sure everything fits together seamlessly with the bigger picture always in mind).

    • A brand questionnaire so I can get to know you and nail your business goals and design preferences.

    • All the copywriting needed for up to 5 pages, written by an experience copywriter with solid marketing experience.
      To begin, I’ll send you sample homepage copy so you’ll feel confident in the tone and direction we’re taking.
      This won’t include long-form sales pages or copy that deals with vulnerable/sensitive/highly-complex subjects (as this takes more research and time to create).
      If you need copy like that, you can add it on to your package easily. Just send me a message to chat about your needs.

    • A brand photoshoot that amplifies the heart of your business and ticks all your marketing boxes, including a minimum of 50 edited images delivered in a curated digital gallery.

    • Total design of a Squarespace website, up to five pages, including the tech-y bits like meta-data and connecting your domain. We’ll kick things off with a website ‘style’ page in which I’ll present a range of options. This means you’ll feel comfortable moving forward because you’ll know we’re both on the same page.

    • Making the website mobile, tablet and desktop-friendly — so you know your customers are getting the best experience no matter what device they are on.

    • Basic search engine optimisation — this includes alt-text added to your images plus strategic page titles and meta-descriptions for all pages.

    • One month of email support and a Zoom website walk-through so you can make adjustments yourself down-the-track.

    • The copy for long-form sales or landing pages, but this can easily be added to your package, just check out the add-ons below.

    • Any custom graphic design. I’m happy to source graphics from Canva, but I don’t do custom graphic design. If you’re interested in this, I’ve got some brilliant graphic designers I can recommend.

    • Copy that deals with vulnerable, sensitive or highly-complex subjects (as this takes more research and time to create). If you need copy like that, you can upgrade your package easily. Just send me a message to chat about your needs.

    • Additional pages copy and design From $220, depending on their complexity.

    • Copy for long-form sales or landing pages, including all the juicy customer research you need to truly resonate with your prospects. You can use this insight to inform your broader marketing strategy too. Plus, you’ll get your hands on it before I’ve even written a word of copy: $560 - $960

    • Connecting and automating welcome sequence emails using Squarespace or Flodesk: $560 (not including copy)

    • Dont’t need custom imagery? Just knock $220 off the package price.

Say goodbye to website ‘ick’ and overwhelm – a complete custom website design package will get it done. 

When I say I’ll get it done, I’m talking from ‘go’ to ‘woah’, the whole she-bang, the wrap-it-up-in-a-neat-little-bow kind of getting it done.

First, I’ll use my years of marketing experience to come up with a rock-solid messaging strategy for the website (you can even use this to help plan out your social media and email content).

Then, I’ll craft irresistible copy that sounds just like you (on a good hair day, of course), attracts your dream clients, and makes people want to keep clicking.

Of course your website wouldn’t be complete without custom brand photography, so if you’re within a 45-minute drive of Coffs Harbour, I’ll create authentic brand images that will fit your website perfectly. 

Then I’ll bring it all together in an attractive, mobile-friendly Squarespace website that looks so good you’ll find excuses to leave your browser open whenever you have guests over.

I’ll even do those annoying fiddly bits like updating your meta-data so you look good in search engine results, adding alt-text and connecting your domain.

Once we’re done, I’ll do a Zoom walk-through of the back end, and I’ll offer 3-months of email support should you need advice.

I don’t think businesses should have to pay a website designer to make simple website updates, so that’s what I offer — intuitive, easy-to-use Squarespace websites that you can update yourself.


“Julia was an absolute professional from beginning to end. She was able to capture the essence of our service in her beautiful words and stunning photography. She was helpful and so patient as we navigated the world of online media, listening to our needs as a service. She is creative and dedicated and we are so happy with our website. Thanks Julia.”— LISA FROM GAMUMBI EARLY EDUCATION CENTRE

“When it came to creating a new website, we were overwhelmed. Working with Julia alleviated a lot of stress knowing it wasn’t another thing we had to do and that we could get help if something wasn’t quite right. Now we have a beautiful website that’s the perfect mix of professional and down-to-earth for our business. Absolutely love it!”

When we work together I guarantee you’ll get:

  • Instant relief knowing that a highly-skilled partner is doing the leg-work for you.

  • 100% of my focus. When it’s time for your project I turn off email notifications and put my phone on do-not-disturb because I AM HERE FOR YOU.

  • The crystal clear clarity of a messaging strategy that uses real customer insights.

  • The peace of mind knowing that your website copy uses ethical tactics to connect and convert.

  • The hassle-free workflow of a website builder you can easily update yourself.

  • The holistic approach of working with someone who has spent years in all-round marketing and communications roles – so your website will always fit into the bigger picture.

  • The devilish confidence of knowing your website feels like you, oozes your values and speaks straight to the hearts of your dream clients.