Strategic copywriting, content and messaging that connects that connects deeply with your audience with none of the nasty stuff.

When your copywriting connects deeply and respectfully – when it leaps off pages, captures hearts and fuels imaginations – it does the hard work for you.

It saves you time and energy.
It attracts the clients you’ve been dreaming of.
It takes the brilliant, beautiful, game-changing parts of your business and thrusts them boldly into the world.

(All without resorting to sleazy, misleading or otherwise untoward marketing tactics).

When we work together, I’ll get to know you, your business, and your prospects so well, that not only will your copywriting sound just like you (on a good hair day, of course) – it’ll resonate with exactly the right kind of people.

Email marketing


Blog and newsletter writing


Website copywriting


Sales and landing pages


Ad copy


Email marketing 〰️ Blog and newsletter writing 〰️ Website copywriting 〰️ Sales and landing pages 〰️ Ad copy 〰️

Here’s how my copywriting and strategy service work:

  1. Book your time. You decide how much time you might need for your project and send me a request. Not sure how much is enough? The guide below should help or shoot me an email and I’ll let you know.

  2. We’ll chat. We’ll have a chat about what’s going on in your business, what your goals, dreams and struggles are, and how I can help. Then, we’ll book your time slot so you know exactly when you can expect your fresh copy!

  3. You answer. I’ll send you a brand questionnaire full of questions designed to help me get to know you and your tone of voice, so it feels just like you.

  4. Research time! I’ll devour your answers and review your current assets, niche, competitors, reviews and social media channels more thoroughly than your bestie stalked your latest Tinder match.

    Often, I’ll craft bad-ass surveys for you to send out to your customers (and maybe even interview them). This is good because it means that even before I’ve written your copy, you’ve got a load of powerful customer insight to inform your broader marketing strategy.

  5. I’m all yours. You’ve booked me for a set time (rather than a set of deliverables) so when that time comes, I’m all yours for whatever you need. I’ll work on the highest priority parts of your project, and if I think something else is missing or needs more work, I can focus on this too.

  6. Copy delivery. You get a Google Doc of copy that does the heavy-lifting of customer connection for you, all wrapped up in the time you have booked (no drawn-out timelines).


“Julia OOOOMMMMGGGGGGG - I am crying. I am completely in love with this copy and now even more in love with my business. Thank you SO much for taking my dream and creating such a gorgeous representation of it. Thank you for helping me share it properly.  This is a gorgeous landing page - and I am so happy with your work.You are extremely talented and I can't wait to share what you have done with the world. Thank you again!”

“Thanks sooooo much Julia. I’m so happy with the results. It feels strong and authentic, without being pushy. I can see myself in the copy. It’s awesome. I can’t wait to get it up on my website. You’re amazing.”

“I’ve always written my own copy and I had to be talked into it. I honestly hadn't realised the value of having a professional write my copy for me until my colleagues showed me what you are capable of. When I first read the copy, I cried happy tears. You completely smashed it out of the park.

Ready to switch off for the weekend knowing your copywriting deeply resonates with your dream clients and beautifully represents your business?

Here are the time slots I offer for copywriting and strategy services. This includes what sort of copywriting we can do in that time and how much of an investment you can expect.

A word on pricing:

I know ethical copywriting is one of the best investments you can make for your business – it helps you save time, energy and possibly some sanity – and I want you to feel as excited about working together as I am.

So if this investment feels like a stretch, maybe it’s not the right time. That’s okay – when you’re ready I’ll be waiting to tell your story.

And if you’d prefer a payment plan for your copywriting you’re welcome to pay in instalments.

  • Good for:

    • Editing and proofreading your almost there copy for ads, a sales page or a couple of emails.

    • Writing a single email or short web page/blog from scratch.

    • Planning out the skeleton of a new website page (with suggestions of what should go where and some key messages) so you can DIY the copy.

    • Doing a high-level review of your current website and making a plan for what you need to do next.

    • Creating a few of those bad-ass customer surveys I mentioned, with accompanying emails designed to get the best results possible.

    • Creating copy for a handful of high-impact social media posts.

    4 hours of writing, over 1 day (plus some preparation time from me, of course).

  • Good for:

    • Writing newsletters, longer search-engine friendly blogs and other articles.

    • Writing a compelling, long-form sales page from scratch so you can launch your offer with confidence.

    • Writing the copy for one or two new website pages on an existing website.

    • Writing a couple of emails from scratch — this might help you introduce a new offer, remind your customers what you do, and more.

    • Editing existing copy for a long sales page – even if it’s in rough shape.

    • Smashing through your to-do list of copy bits and pieces.

    • Doing a detailed audit of your current website including page-by-page suggestions for improvements, with sample copy.

    8 hours of writing over 2 days (with additional preparation/behind-the-scenes work from me of course).

  • Good for:

    • Your very own Messaging Strategy, informed by market research and rich customer insight. Your Messaging Strategy is the go-to document to help you get clear on your brand voice, audience, key messages, what sets you apart, your prospect’s objections — and how to talk/write about it all! And because it’s so much easier to see how something could actually be done, it includes sample website copy, hooks, headlines and more.

    • Multiple website pages or sales pages. Elevate the core pages of your website with fresh copy. To help me do this, I’ll often create customer surveys for you to send out — giving you loads of customer insight before I’ve even written one paragraph.

    • Writing a full welcome or sales email sequence for your business.
      Make the most of a new email subscriber by sending them an automated email sequence that tells them who you are, what you do, and why your offer is a perfect fit for them.
      Or we could craft a sequence to introduce a brand new offer to your existing audience.

    • Got an offer to sell? We With 18 hours, we can create a landing page that connects with your ideal audience PLUS the ad copy for a small social media advertising campaign to go with it.

    18 hours of writing over 3 days (with additional preparation/behind-the-scenes work from me, of course).

  • Good for:

    • Everything you need to launch a new product or service – with customer surveys, a simple email sequence, a long-form sales page and social media ad copy.

    • Writing a 4 to 5 page website from scratch, which can include customer surveys and some long-form pages or a landing page for an offer.

      30 hours of writing over 6 days (with additional preparation/behind-the-scenes work from me, of course).

  • Good for:

    • Planning out a launch funnel including in-depth customer research, launch schedule, email sequence, ad copy, sales page and confirmation page.

    • Writing the copy for a detailed 5 to 8 page website, including customer research, search-engine optimisation, sales pages and blogs.

    56 hours of writing over 10 days (with additional preparation/behind-the-scenes work from me, of course).

  • I was hoping you’d say that. Step on over to my website services page to see what’s on offer.

  • Not picking up what I’m putting down? Get in touch and I’ll see if I can help.

When we work together I guarantee you’ll get:

  • Instant relief knowing that a highly-skilled partner is doing the leg-work for you, giving you more time for the bits of your business that make you smile.

  • 100% of my focus. Not 80%-but-I-just-gotta-check-this-email, not 95%-but-I-just-need-to-nurture-this-new-lead … the whole 100%. When it’s time for your copywriting session, I turn off email notifications, put my phone on do-not-disturb and lock the dogs out because I AM HERE FOR YOU.

  • The crystal clear clarity of copywriting with a messaging strategy that uses real customer insights.

  • The peace of mind knowing that your copy uses ethical tactics to connect and convert – I won’t ever use pain, pressure or any of that other nasty stuff we often see used to score a quick sale. Instead, I’ll set you up for long-term brand success with copywriting that resonates with your ideal audience.

  • The holistic approach of working with someone who has spent years in all-round marketing and communications roles – so you know that your copywriting will always fit into the bigger picture. If I see something is missing or I don’t think copywriting is the best investment for you at this time, I’ll let you know.

  • The devilish confidence of knowing your copywriting feels like you, oozes your values and speaks straight to the hearts of your dream clients. That’s what I’m talking about!